Last updated on: 01.02.24

1. Introductory remarks

By purchasing any service or product through Salmon Eye AS ("The Company"), including, but not limited to, tickets, individually customized services, package deals, or travel to Salmon Eye, the buyer acknowledges and accepts the terms of purchase outlined in this document.

These same terms also apply to those who receive a service or product without remuneration from the Company or a third party or are otherwise granted access to the Company's services or products. This includes, but is not limited to, the Company's visitors, speakers, clients, and others.

In these terms and conditions, 'Salmon Eye' encompass the exhibition center Salmon Eye, Restaurant Iris, transport vessel, and all other facilities owned or operated by the Company, as well as those managed or used by subcontractors and other entities acting on behalf of the Company.

2. General terms

2.1. Terms for ordering tickets

2.1.1. Terms for ticket purchase

Tickets to Salmon Eye and tickets to Restaurant Iris are two distinct services.

Tickets to Salmon Eye with the transport vessel can only be purchased through the website https://en.salmoneye.no/, unless otherwise agreed with the Company.

Two ticket options are available, one for adults and one for children. Children up to and including 16 years of age are eligible for the child fare.

Tickets to Restaurant Iris, which include their set tasting menu and tickets for transport vessel, can only be purchased through the website https://www.restaurantiris.no/ unless otherwise agreed with the Company.

Additionally, it is possible to pre-order options for beverage pairings.

2.1.2. Payment

Payment is to be made in advance when booking through the respective internet solutions of the services unless otherwise agreed with the Company.

2.1.3. Order confirmation

An order confirmation will be sent to the buyer's provided e-mail address upon ordering.

2.1.4. Validity

Tickets provided by the Company are valid for the time and date (or period) selected during the booking process, as indicated in the order confirmation.

The buyer is obligated to adhere to the specified departure time from Salmon Eye and the transport vessel, as defined on the ticket, unless otherwise expressly agreed upon with the Company. This also applies for tickets to Restaurant Iris.

A ticket is personal, and the ticket cannot be used by multiple individuals unless explicitly specified. The buyer may be denied access to the Company's services if another person has previously used the ticket number. Therefore, the ticket is only valid for the number of timed defined on the ticket.

If the buyer has received a ticket from the Company or another third party without remuneration, the ticket cannot be resold as it is a complimentary ticket, as per Section 1 of the Norwegian Black-Market Act (Svartebørsloven of 29.06.2007 nr. 86). Violations may result in denied access.

Unused tickets are non-refundable.

2.1.5. Exchange and cancellation

Unless otherwise specified by the Company or indicated in the order confirmation, as per section 2.1.3, there is no right of exchange or refund for tickets with a specified time or date of use.

When purchasing tickets online, the buyer does not have a right of withdrawal, in accordance with the Cancellation Act (Angrerettloven of 20.06.2014 nr. 27) section 22 letter m, which specifies that the right of withdrawal does not apply to agreements related to "(...) services related to leisure activities when a specific date or period for the provision of such services is stipulated in the agreement". The product / service delivered at a specific time or period applies to all tickets and services provided by the Company in section 2.1.1.

The buyer is obligated to treat their ticket as a value document and safeguard against copying or multiple printing of tickets. If the Company has reason to suspect misuse or forgery, such as through, ticket copying, the buyer may be asked by the Company to provide valid identification.

The buyer can only change the date of the ticket(s) at the Company's discretion. The change is also subject to ticket availability on the new date.

Cancellations or requests for changes to your booking at Salmon Eye must be made via email to post@salmonyeye.no and for Restaurant Iris to booking@restaurantiris.no.

Tickets to Salmon Eye:

The buyer may cancel purchased online tickets within 24 hours of purchase. The opportunity requires the cancellation to take place at least 24 hours before the tickets specified time of use.

Tickets to the Restaurant Iris:

Reservations at Restaurant Iris can only be canceled with a refund of the pre-payment until 18 calendar days prior to the date of the visit. If the reservation is canceled less than 18 calendar days prior to the visit, the pre-payment is non-refundable. The 2,5 % service charge is non-refundable at all times.

Changes in party size are only possible at the Company's discretion and if we are able to seat you at a table matching your desired party size. Note that we only accept reservations for parties of 1-6 guests.

No-shows will not be refunded. Pre-payment for beverages or other services related to the reservation cannot be converted into other services or products.

2.2. Terms and conditions for ordering individualized custom services / package deals

2.2.1. Information for the Purchase of individually customized services / package deals

Individually customized services / package deals are specific services and products that the Company can offer upon request and following further agreement.

  • Such services / deals connected to Salmon Eye can only be ordered via email to post@salmonyeye.no.
  • Such services / deals connected to Restaurant Iris can only be ordered via email to booking@restaurantiris.no.

The general terms outlined in section 2.1, as well as other provisions in these terms and conditions, will apply in full also for individually customized services / package deals, unless otherwise expressly agreed upon with the Company.

2.2.2. Payment

The payment terms for individualized customized services / package deals are provided by the Company upon request in each specific case and are conducted according to further agreements with the Company.

In general, payment for such services will be processed through the issuance of an invoice.

2.2.3 Order confirmation

An order confirmation will be sent to the buyer's provided email address upon ordering, and an agreement for individualized custom services / package deals is not considered concluded until the buyer has received such confirmation from the Company.

2.2.4 Validity

Individually customized services / package deals ordered in accordance with section 2.2.1, are valid for the time and date (or period) as indicated in the order confirmation, unless otherwise agreed upon with the Company.

The buyer is obligated to adhere to the specified departure time from Salmon Eye, the Restaurant Iris and the transport vessel, as defined in the order confirmation, unless otherwise expressly agreed upon with the Company. The Company also has the authority to, at his own discretion, for instance, based on weather conditions or similar factors, establish an alternative departure time, to which the buyer is obligated to adhere.

Unused individually customized services / package deals are non-refundable.

2.2.5. Exchange and cancellation

Unless otherwise specified by the Company or indicated in the order confirmation, as outlined in section 2.2.3, there is no right to exchange or refund for orders.

Changes or cancellations to such services / deals may only be made at the discretion of the Company, unless otherwise agreed upon with the buyer at the time of ordering.


Children must be under the supervision of their guardians.

Guests under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a guest aged 15 or older in order to use the services / products at Salmon Eye and / or the transport vessel.


For the sake of the buyer's, everyone traveling with the buyer who has a ticket and others' safety, these travelers, is obliged to comply with the Company's rules and regulations. In addition to the regulations presented at Salmon Eye, the Restaurant Iris and the transport vessel, the buyer is obliged to adhere to the following rules and regulations:

  • The buyer is obliged to at all times follow instructions provided by the Company's employees or assistants.
  • The buyer is obligated to comply with the current safety regulations outlined at Salmon Eye, the transport vessel, and all other facilities.
  • Threatening and/or rude behavior towards other guests, the Company's employees, or others, is not permitted. Such conduct will result in immediate eviction. The Company will also consider filing a police report.
  •  Violations of rules that pose a risk to life and health or result in the need for evacuation or operational shutdown will leadto immediate eviction.
  • Animals, except for guide dogs, are not permitted access to Salmon Eye or the transport vessel. This policy also applies to other facilities and floating structures owned or operated by the Company.
  • Smoking is prohibited at Salmon Eye, the transport vessel and other structures, except in designated smoking areas, if available.This also applies to e-cigarettes.
  • The Company does not permit the consumption of alcohol unless provided for by the Company. The use of any other controlled substances is strictly prohibited at all times. Visibly intoxicated individuals will not be allowed to visit or remain at Salmon Eye, Restaurant Iris, the transport vessel, or any other structures owned or operated by the Company and may be subject to eviction.
  • It is prohibited to bring special baggage, such as flammable substances like combustible items and explosives, weapons, sharp objects, unmanned Aerial Vehicles and drones etc.
  • Theft from other guests or theft of Company property will result in immediate eviction. The Company will consider filing a police report in each individual case.

In the event of a breach of the rules of conduct, the buyer may be evicted without further notice. The Company is under no circumstances responsible for damage and loss that may arise as a result of the buyer not complying with the Company's terms and conditions. This also applies if the buyer fails to follow the instructions provided by the Company's staff. Ticket and / or service fees as per section 2.1 and 2.2 will not be refunded. More serious violations will result in a police report.


Salmon Eye is a floating and mobile installation at sea where the buyer must be transported to the exhibition center using a transport vessel.

This entails, among other things, an increased risk of getting caught in machinery and experiencing seasickness for buyers who utilize the Company's services and products. The buyer should also expect the possibility of getting wet or otherwise affected by the elements of nature.

Safety for the Company's guests always takes top priority among the employees, and therefore, the buyer / guests is obligated to exercise caution at Salmon Eye, installations, and the transport vessel, and to follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the Company's employees.


As a general rule, carrying luggage, including suitcases, bags, backpacks, etc., larger than 55 cm x 40 cm x 23 cm and weighing more than 8 kilograms is not allowed.

The Company is not responsible for luggage storage.

The Company also reserves the right to disallow other baggage or items / property, as well as to handle unattended items or luggage, in a manner deemed appropriate by the Company.

The Company is not liable for theft, loss, or damage to luggage or other items/property brought by the buyer.


The Company, or companies within the same corporate group as the Company, hold all rights to Salmon Eye, including copyright and design rights.

Recording and sharing of films and videos from Salmon Eye, beyond private use, are prohibited without prior written agreement with the Company.


Complaints must be presented immediately in writing via email to post@salmoneye.no regarding Salmon Eye or to booking@restaurantiris.no regarding Restaurant Iris. Claims for compensation must also be communicated to the Company in writing no later than 10 days after the completion of the stay with the Company via email.


The Company may cancel or interrupt a stay due to force majeure, including but not limited to war, riots, natural and environmental disasters, adverse weather conditions, import restrictions, blockades, strikes, lockouts, border closures, epidemics, or similar events.

In the event of force majeure, the Company is obligated to promptly notify the buyer if possible. In such cases, the buyer will not be entitled to any compensation for their own additional expenses or a refund for the amount paid.


10.1. Incidents beyond the Company's control

The Company is not liable for unsatisfactory weather conditions, facility closures, or other circumstances beyond the Company's control. Consequently, the Company may cancel or interrupt a stay if the services provided by the Company cannot be carried out due to weather conditions, facility closures, or similar reasons.

The Company may also close Salmon Eye, along with associated services, due to capacity, safety, and / or public health concerns.

The Company will attempt to provide advance notice of such occurrences through the buyer's provided email and other contact info. In such cases, the Company will offer the buyer a new date for the use of the ticket and / or service, or a refund of the ticket. It is specifically noted that the Company will not be liable for the buyer's additional costs in any circumstance.

10.2. Liability insurance

The Company's financial liability is at all times limited to the Company's insurance coverage.

10.3. Information

The Company reserves the right to rectify typographical errors and make price adjustments. For instance, in cases of typographical and / or printing errors by the Company in advertisements, etc., or prices that significantly differ from the stated prices, the Company may unilaterally modify, reject, or delete orders.

The above terms apply even if the buyer has received and order confirmation. However, the Company is obligated to correct such errors within a reasonable time after becoming aware of them.

Images and illustrations used for the Company's services may serve illustrative purposes and may differ from the actual product or service.


The Company's privacy policy can be found here [Privacy Policy].


These terms and conditions for purchase shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Norwegian Law.

The Company and the buyer choose Bergen District Court as the proper legal jurisdiction.